Archive for the ‘ running ’ Category

Good Luck in Vermont!

Just wanted to give a quick shout-out to Colin and wish him luck at the KeyBank Vermont City Marathon this Sunday!  Since San Antonio (where you’ll remember I left him in the dust), he’s been a man-possessed training for this race.  He picked up a 18-week, 6-days-per-week training plan, peaking at 70 miles in a week (twice!).  You know how many training runs he missed?  Zero.  That’s 107 out of 124 days that he ran.  It included a 1:33:18 half marathon and a sub-40 minute 10K.  To say that he has prepared for this race is an understatement.

Race conditions are not looking favorable, with starting temps in the mid-60s and highs for the day in the upper-70s or low-80s.  He may have to deal with a fair amount of humidity and wind too.  I’m sure he’ll chew up my 3:22:34 PR and spit it out, but I’m OK with that considering how much work he put in.  His goal has fluctuated between 3:05 and 3:10, but with the conditions as they are, may be tempered just a bit.

So, let’s wish him luck* on Sunday for a great race.  I’m expecting a text message from him shortly after, and I’ll keep you updated with how he does.  If you can’t wait, you can track him here.

*though if he happened to cramp up and finish a few minutes slower than 3:22, I’d be OK with that too.  Kidding!!!**

**not kidding

Run DC

This speech is my recital, I think it’s very vital
To rock (a rhyme), that’s right (on time)
It’s Tricky is the title, here we go

For the first time since moving to Austin, Ev and I visited the old hood (a.k.a. the Wizzle Dizzle Washington, DC).  We met up with lots of old friends, old restaurants, and old running routes.  We stayed in a pretty sweet spot at 20th & Penn NW, central to basically everything.  Fittingly, our entire itinerary was based around where we were going to eat: fresh seafood, pizza, custom hot chocolate, burgers, milk shakes, beer.  It was irresponsible, but it was delicious.

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New York City Marathon – That Would Be No

Well, things just didn’t pan out for this runner-turned-triathlete.  After lots of pomp and even a little circumstance, I searched the New York Road Runners page to see if I was selected for the ING NYC Marathon.  The verdict: no.  No reason.  No justification.  Just a simple search box returning a robotic apology and a teasing message intended for those who were selected.  Am I disappointed?  A little.  Upset?  Not really.  With my focus changed to triathlons now, this was more of a “wouldn’t it be fun?” endeavor, but nothing I was really counting on.  My big race is still the Ironman 70.3 Austin in October.  Now if only I could muster the courage to register for that Half Ironman…

New York City Marathon – Am I In?

I don’t know!  The lottery selection is today (April 27th) and I’m waiting to find out if I’m in.  The most recent number I heard is a 1 in 6 chance of being selected.  That means for Colin and I both to get selected is a 1 in 36 shot.  Not good.  Anyway, I’m sitting here waiting for this page to update.  I’ll let you know what happens.

Triple Threat

As of Friday I can call myself a triathlete multisport enthusiast.  I won’t say triathlete just yet since I haven’t raced any triathlons, but I had my first successful swim / bike / run day.  It’s all in anticipation for my actual first triathlon coming up on April 17th, The Rookie Tri.

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Cap10K Race Report – Automatic PR

After my less-than-reassuring preview post, I did run the Austin American Statesman Capitol 10K on Sunday.  Having never raced a 10K before I really had no experience to work with.  I knew I could run 6.2 miles without a problem, but exactly how fast was the real question.  The beauty of running a new distance is that no matter what, I get to set a new personal record!  So other than setting a PR by default, here’s how it all went.

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The Cap10K Cometh

It’s the Friday before the biggest 10K in Texas (and 5th largest in the country*)!  I’m not part of the Corporate Challenge team here at NI, but that’s actually for the better, but I’ll get to that in a second.  This whole “race weekend” thing really snuck up on me.  For one, I haven’t been training for it.  For two, I’ve never raced a 10K before.  For three, my college roommate Barrett is visiting this weekend.  Four for For four, even though I’m not on my company’s competitive team, they footed the registration fee for me (and about sixty other employees).  So with this race sneaking up on me, what’s the plan for Sunday? Continue reading

You Can’t Fail If You Don’t Try

This morning was slated to hold the real trials for the Cap10K corporate team for the folks here at National Instruments.  Thanks to everyone who voted in my poll, (I can barely count all 5 of you on one hand) I gave it a go back in February with a respectable crash and burn.  Anyway, with the main trials scheduled for today, how’d it all go?

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Austin: It’s All Uphill From Here

The 2011 LIVESTRONG Austin Marathon came and went on Sunday, starting in the pre-dawn glow and finishing in the shadow of the state capitol building.  With over 15,000 runners for the 20th anniversary of the race, and the first year with the LIVESTRONG sponsorship, this race felt like the big leagues.  As I mentioned previously, I hadn’t trained as much nor as focused as usual, so my goals going in were set conservatively*.  So how did I do in my 10th marathon?  Hint: lots of ups and downs.

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Put on your Racing Hat

Alright, folks, the race is a mere 40 hours away and it’s just now starting to set in.  The expo is opening today at 3pm and the “This is the Final Pre-Race Email” emails are hitting my inbox.  Facebook is all a-twitter with updates from the local running stores and Twitter is all a-facebook with similar tweets.  So with the race this weekend, let’s set some goals to hold me moderately accountable, shall we?

Racing Hat: Texas Edition

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