Posts Tagged ‘ captextri ’

The CapTexTri Race Report

The Capital of Texas Triathlon took downtown Austin by storm on Memorial Day.  I registered just two weeks before for the Sprint distance, figuring the Olympic distance would be too much for my second-ever tri.  Compared to the Rookie Tri this race felt like the big leagues.  There was serious prize money ($12,500 to the winner), pro athletes, and plenty sponsors and vendors.  It also had more than its share of breakdowns and issues, but I won’t get into that here.  Here’s how everything went for me as I’m still trying to find my way in this whole triathlon jungle.

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Final Pre-CapTexTri Details

As I’m reading through the participant guide for the CapTexTri I’m finding tons of useful crucial information that I didn’t know that I didn’t know.  Who would’ve thought, right?  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Triathlons are a whole lot more complicated than marathons.  For a marathon all you need to know is what time the race starts.  It helps if you line up in the appropriate “wave” based on your predicted finish time, but really you just have to go pick up your race number the day before and then just show up to the race.  For a triathlon, not so easy.

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Race Week – CapTexTri

Well it’s already race week for the Cap Tex Tri!  That came around pretty quick, but I suppose that’ll happen when you register 17 days before the race.  First I need to remind you (and myself) that the race is on Monday, Memorial Day, and not Sunday.  So don’t go sending me all those “good luck” texts, tweets, facebook messages, voicemails, candygrams, Tiff’s Treats*, or anything of that nature a day early.  So race week means take it easy, right?

get your game face on

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The Schedule Takes Shape

Since the Rookie Tri a few weeks ago I’ve had a hankering for defining my race calendar.  This transition to triathlons has been fairly smooth, but I’m missing the structure and direction that I’m used to with running.  You see, with running I usually had two or three races queued up.  My tri calendar, however, has been disappointingly empty.  I’ve my eye on a few races but hadn’t pressed that “Register” button.  Until now!

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